When Ulja (12) is prevented from pursuing her passion, astronomy, she decides to take matters into her own hands. With a stolen hearse and a 13-year-old classmate as a driver, she makes her way across Eastern Europe to watch the impact of an asteroid. In doing so, she not only has to shake off her persecutors, but also her pragmatic view of friendship and family.
Aktoriai: Romy Lou Janinhoff, Jonas Oeßel, Hildegard Schroedter, Luc Feit, Anja Schneider, Иван Шведов, Janina Elkin, Peter Trabner, Martina Eitner-Acheampong, Oona von Maydell, Mateusz Grydlik, Börje
Režisierius: Barbara Kronenberg
Žiūrėti Uljos Funk pranašystė filmą online HD Kokybe
Susidomėjo: 6
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